10 Dental Care Tips With Which You May Never Need to See the Dentist - kiwiwell

10 Dental Care Tips With Which You May Never Need to See the Dentist

dental tips

Everyone knows that you should brush your teeth twice a day, but did you know that there are several things you can do to improve the health of your smile beyond brushing and flossing? While it’s important to see the dentist on a regular basis (every 6 months), along with some good daily habits at home, you may never need to visit the dentist again. Kiwiwell brought you some dental care tips to help you have a bright, shiny smile.

1. Eating Lean Protein Can Reduce Plaque Buildup

Several studies have shown that eating lean protein can reduce plaque buildup in your mouth.  One study even showed that when participants were given cheese, which is high in protein, they had a 57 percent reduction in plaque after only one week.  In addition to cheese, other protein-rich foods that can help reduce plaque buildup are plain milk and yogurt, eggs, fish, and lean meat.

2. Add milk to your coffee and tea

Milk neutralizes acids in coffee and tea, making your drink less acidic.  In addition to cutting down on the acidity of your drinks, it’s also been shown that calcium can help protect the enamel from erosion caused by acidity.

3. Eat some pineapple

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that helps break down food and reduce plaque.  Bromelain also may help fight tooth decay by decreasing acid formation in the mouth.

4. Don’t whiten your teeth

Teeth whitening strips and whitening toothpaste can cause tiny cracks in your enamel, allowing bacteria to seep in.  If you want a whiter smile, talk with your dentist about professional teeth bleaching instead of trying out over-the-counter products.

5. Use a straw when drinking something sour

Sour or acidic food and drinks can eat away at the enamel on your teeth.  If you’re going to be drinking something sour, like lemonade, soda, or juice, use a straw to keep the drink off your teeth.

6. Brush before going to sleep

Many people brush their teeth before bed because it’s a good way to relax at the end of the day, but it’s also important to keep your mouth clean while you sleep.  That’s why many dentists recommend brushing your teeth right before going to sleep so that any plaque or leftover food particles are wiped away.

7. Don’t forget to floss

You’re probably tired of hearing that you should floss, but it’s an important step in protecting your smile.  When you don’t floss, you miss out on cleaning some of the tiny spaces between your teeth where plaque can build up without being noticed.  Flossing also helps remove food particles and stimulates gums to improve your gum health.

8.  Don’t press too hard while brushing

Many people think that the harder they scrub, the better their teeth will look.  However, it has been shown that pressing too hard while brushing your teeth can cause enamel erosion and tooth sensitivity.

9. Scrape your tongue

Scraping your tongue with a spoon or tongue scraper can help remove bacteria that cause bad breath.

10. Use mouthwash

Mouthwash is an important part of keeping your mouth clean.  It also helps keep bacteria from becoming overgrown in your mouth.  Using mouthwash can help prevent gum disease, reducing plaque buildup and tooth loss.  Finally, it keeps bad breath at bay by killing odor-causing germs.

If you do not have a dentist, these dental care tips can help you to keep your smile healthy.  Just remember that brushing and flossing daily is the best way to take care of your teeth.