Seven Effective Yoga Poses for Beautiful Breasts - Page 4 of 7 - kiwiwell

Seven Effective Yoga Poses for Beautiful Breasts

Bow Pose.

The Dhanurasana or the Bow Pose is perfect for those who suffer from backaches.

This exercise helps with stretching the entirety of the spine and sculpts breasts into shape.

You can perform it like this:

Lie down on your front and breathe out, then bend your knees by raising them behind you towards your head.

You should hold your ankles while doing so.

Take a deep breath and then out again, pulling your legs and arms upwards as far as possible for you.

Your hips and breasts will ideally be lifted off the surface you’re resting on and you’ll be balanced on your belly.

You should hold it for at least 30 seconds to be effective.