Stay Active And Healthy With These Vitamins And Minerals - kiwiwell

Stay Active And Healthy With These Vitamins And Minerals

Stay Active And Healthy With These Useful Vitamins And Minerals

Getting over the age of fifty, different changes begin to take place within the body system. This will make it necessary for adjustment in different lifestyles one might have been used to. One of these most significant changes is related to diet.

In other to avoid certain complications, older people are advised to take some precautionary measures when it comes to what they consume. This restriction might lead to the need to remove one or two things that should usually make up one’s diet.

This often leads to deficiency in certain minerals and vitamins that the body needs to stay healthy. Not to worry, we are here to give you tips on how to include some of these essential nutrients in your diet. Below are some of these essential vitamins and different food items that can provide them.

Vitamins and Minerals to help you stay healthy

Vitamin A

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the recommended amount o this vitamin daily are 900 mcg for males and 700 mcg for females. For healthy eyesight and a boost of the immune system, one needs the right amount of Vitamin A. Some of the food sources that provide this vitamin to the body include broccoli, eggs, fish, milk, beef liver, melons, mango, and so on.

Vitamin B1-thiamin

Cell functions are regulated by this nutrient. Thiamin also helps the body to generate energy from food. The recommended intake per day is 1.2 mg for males and 1.1 mg for females. Some of the food sources that provide the body with this nutrient include peas, liver, fruits such as bananas and oranges, eggs, legumes and so on.

Vitamin B2-riboflavin

Recommended per day: 1.3 mg for males and 1.1 mg for females. The function of riboflavin in the body includes facilitating the growth, development, and proper functioning of cells with the body. Sources include beef, tofu, salmon, mushrooms pork, and spinach. There are still other options.

Vitamin B3-niacin

Food sources include chicken, beef, pork, fish, grains, nuts, and cereals among other options. Niacin helps with the proper development and functioning of the body cells. It also plays a role in the conversion of food into energy for the body to work with. Recommended intake per day is 16 mg for males and 14 mg for females.

Vitamin B6

A proper intake of Vitamin B6 helps make for a stronger immune system and aids metabolism within the body cells. Recommended intake per day is 1.7 mcg for males and 1.5 mcg for females. Some good food sources for this nutrient include bananas, pork, oats, soya beans chicken, and turkey.

Vitamin B12

With a recommended intake of 2.4mcg per day for both males and females, Vitamin B12 helps to maintain nerve function and also helps in the formation of red blood cells within the body. The food to consider includes cheese, milk, liver, clams, tuna, and so on.

Vitamin C

When you get injuries, after some time, you get to see a clot form over the wounds as it heals. This is one of the major jobs of Vitamin C in the body. This also helps to prevent damage to the cells by free radicals. This means that it acts as an antioxidant. Recommended intake per day is 90 mg for males and 75 mg for females. The food rich in this nutrient include strawberries, oranges, potatoes, black currant, and tomatoes.

Vitamin D

The various health gene that can be gotten from Vitamin D include the strengthening of the teeth, production of calcium for a stronger bone, defends against diseases, and also helps the nerves in the transmission of impulses to the brain. Recommended intake is 15 mcg for adults 19-70 years of age and 20 mcg for adults that are aged 71 and over. Food rich in Vitamin D includes salmon, sardines, breakfast cereals, egg yolks, and oatmeal.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has a similar role as Vitamin C. They both act as antioxidants protecting the cells from free radicals. Vitamin E also helps to keep blood vessels from clots. It also makes for a healthy immune system to prevent diseases. Recommended intake per day: 15 mg for both males and females. Food rich in this nutrient includes Vegetable oil, Wheat germ, broccoli, spinach, vegetables, nuts, and fruit juice.

Vitamin K

This nutrient helps in blood clots and also helps in strengthening the bones. Recommended intake per day is 120 mcg for males that are over 19 years of age and 90 mcg for females over 19 years of age. Food rich in Vitamin K includes vegetables, eggs, soybeans, kale, fish, liver, meat, and cereals.


The formation of healthy teeth and bones is dependent on this nutrient. Nervous activities are also enhanced. This helps the brain to receive impulses and process information. Calcium also helps to strengthen the muscles. Calcium also blood vessels move blood through the body and releases releasing essential hormones. Recommended intake per day is 1,000 mg for adult males 51-7 and, 1,200 mg for adult females 51-70, and 1,200 mg for both males and females 71 years and older. Food rich in this nutrient includes dairy products, bread, milk, sardines, and some other food sources.

Folic acid

This nutrient helps the body in making genetic materials. Recommended daily intake is 400 mcg folic acid equivalent for both males and females that are 19 years and older. Food rich in the nutrient include peas, broccoli,  liver, kidney beans, and spinach.


Magnesium facilitates nerve functions and the formation of DNA materials within the body. It also plays a role in healthy bone formation. Recommended daily intake is 400-420 mg for males and 310-320 mg for females. Food sources to consider include legumes, nuts, seeds, Enhanced cereal, Spinach, milk, yogurt.


Potassium is important when it comes to having a healthy heart and kidney function. Other important roles it supports include nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. Recommended intake per day is 3,400 mg for males over the age of 19 and 2,600 mg for females over 19 years of age. Food rich in this nutrient includes chicken, prunes, raisins, lentils, Soybeans, bananas, orange juice, potatoes, spinach, broccoli, acorn squash, meat, fish.

Food or supplements?

It is always clear that as people grow older, a change is always necessary when it comes to their diet. But people need to maintain good feeding habits while still young. This will help one to avoid applications and deficiencies that may occur later in life. To ensure that one has a healthy feeding habit, it might be necessary to make a conscious effort to include certain nutrient sources into your diet.

One might want to keep on with some of these natural sources of nutrients, but age-related changes and illnesses might force one to resolve to supplements. When people find themselves in such positions as loss of teeth and appetite for certain kinds of food, it might be important for people taking care of them to put them on multivitamins and other supplements rich in vitamins. This will help keep the body in stable condition to carry out its day to day activities. Self-medication is however not advised. Before making any serious change in diet, the help of a professional should be employed. This will help to make changes that will not be harmful to the body.