The Largest Athletes In Sports History That Terrify Everyone - Page 4 of 18 - kiwiwell

The Largest Athletes In Sports History That Terrify Everyone

Hafthor Julius “Thor” Bjornsson – 6’9″, 400 lb

Hafthor Julius “Thor” Bjornsson

Haftor Julius Bjornsson, a larger-than-life athlete, is a native of Reykjavik, Iceland. He has starred in ‘Game of Thrones,’ HBO’s hit show for the past few years. He is known as Gregor Clegane in the movie. He was the major contender for the World Strongest Man competition before he picked up acting roles.

His height stood at 6 feet and 9 inches, even as his weight is pegged at 400 lbs. Little wonder, he occupies the top three position in the list of strongest men in the world for the last six years. And, in addition to this, he was named the Strongest Man in Europe and World’s Strongest Man in the same year. He is the first man to attain this feat.