30+ Mind-Blowing Vaseline Hacks That More People Should know About - kiwiwell

30+ Mind-Blowing Vaseline Hacks That More People Should know About

Vaseline Hacks

Vaseline is a popular skincare product that has a variety of purposes. It can be used as a moisturizer, lip balm, and skin protectant. It was discovered in 1859 by Robert Chesebrough, a chemist from Brooklyn. He noticed that oil workers would often come into his pharmacy with burns and that the petroleum jelly would help to heal their wounds.

Vaseline is made from 100% petroleum jelly, and while it was originally intended for use as a medicinal product, it has since found its way into many different realms, including the beauty industry.

There are endless weird and unthinkable uses for Vaseline, but here are 32 of the most mind-blowing hacks that more people should know about!

32. Helps dry heels

dry heels

If you suffer from dry, cracked heels, then Vaseline can help. Simply apply Vaseline to your feet before bed and put on a pair of socks. In the morning, your feet will be much softer.

31. Getting your manicure repaired

If you have a small chip in your nail polish, you can repair it using Vaseline. Simply apply a tiny amount of Vaseline to the affected area and then top with nail polish.“It can be a fantastic option to treating dry nail beds and cuticles by speeding up the healing process,” according to chemistry expert David Petrillo.

30. Make-shift leather polish

leather polish

If you’re in a pinch and need to polish your leather shoes but don’t have any leather polish on hand, Vaseline can do the trick. Just apply a small amount to a cloth and rub it into the leather. this trick will save you a lot of money plus time from having to go out and buy leather polish.

29. Taming Your Hair

Taming Your Hair

If you have unruly hair, Vaseline can help tame it. Simply apply a small amount to your flyaways and frizzies and they will instantly be smoothed down. You can also use Vaseline to help protect your hair from heat damage when using a curling iron or flat iron. According to dermatologists, vaseline is considered to be safe for all types of skin.

28. Keep razor blades from rusting

Keep razor blades from rusting

If you want to extend the life of your razor blades, then Vaseline can help. Simply apply a thin layer of Vaseline to the blades after each use and they will be protected from rusting.

27. A good stain remover

stain remover

Vaseline can also be used as a pre-treatment for laundry stains. Simply apply Vaseline to the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wash as usual. The Vaseline will help to break down the stain so that it comes out in the wash.

26. Lash conditioner

Lash conditioner

If you have dry, brittle lashes, then Vaseline can help condition them and make them softer. Simply apply Vaseline to your lashes before bed and in the morning, your lashes will be softer and healthier-looking.

25. Lubricate your rings

Lubricate your rings

If your rings are starting to get a little tight, Vaseline can help lubricate them and make them feel looser. Just apply a small amount to the inside of the ring and it will slide on and off much easier.

24. Helps blisters heal

Helps blisters heal

If you have a blister on your foot, applying a thin layer of Vaseline can help speed up the healing process. The Vaseline will create a barrier over the blister that will keep it from getting infected.

23. Removes chewing gum from hair

Removes chewing gum from hair

If you have gum stuck in your hair, Vaseline can help remove it. Simply apply a generous amount of Vaseline to the gum and hair and then wait a few minutes. The gum will become softer and easier to remove.

22. Soothes cracked lips

cracked lips

If you have dry, cracked lips, Vaseline can help soothe them and make them feel softer. Simply apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your lips before bed and in the morning, your lips will be softer and smoother.

21. Cleans makeup brushes

makeup brushes

If you want to clean your makeup brushes but don’t have any brush cleaner on hand, Vaseline can do the trick. Simply add a small amount of Vaseline to a bowl of warm water and soak the brushes for a few minutes. The Vaseline will help to break down the makeup and the brushes will be clean and free of any residue.

20. Fixes stuck zippers

Fixes stuck zippers

If your zipper is stuck, Vaseline can help fix it. Simply apply a small amount of Vaseline to the zipper and then zip it up and down a few times. The Vaseline will help lubricate the zipper and get it moving again.

19. Prevents diaper rash

diaper rash

If you’re a parent, then you know that diaper rash is a common occurrence. However, you can help prevent diaper rash by applying a thin layer of Vaseline to your baby’s bottom before putting on a clean diaper. The Vaseline will create a barrier between the diaper and your baby’s skin and will help to prevent irritation.

18. Protects against sunburn


If you’re going to be spending time in the sun, then you should apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your exposed skin. The Vaseline will help to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and will also help to keep your skin moisturized.

17. Shaving cream alternative

Shaving cream

If you’re in a and don’t have any shaving cream on hand, you can use Vaseline as a shaving cream alternative. Simply apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your skin and shave as usual. The Vaseline will help to lubricate your skin and will help the razor to glide smoothly over your skin.

16. Nail polish remover

Nail polish remover

If you run out of nail polish remover, you can use Vaseline as a substitute. Just add a small amount of Vaseline to a cotton ball and wipe it over your nails. The Vaseline will help to break down the nail polish and will allow you to remove it easily.

15. Cures chapped hands

Cures chapped hands

If you have chapped hands, Vaseline can help to cure them. Simply apply a generous amount of Vaseline to your hands and then put on a pair of gloves. The Vaseline will help to lock in moisture and will keep your hands from getting further irritated.

14. Removes mascara


If you’re having trouble removing your mascara, Vaseline can help. Simply add a small amount of Vaseline to a cotton ball and wipe it over your eyes. The Vaseline will help to break down the mascara and will allow you to remove it easily.

13. Reduces stretch marks

stretch marks

If you’re pregnant or have recently gained weight, you may start to notice stretch marks. However, you can reduce the appearance of stretch marks by applying a thin layer of Vaseline to your skin daily. The Vaseline will help to keep your skin hydrated and will promote elasticity.

12. Soothes insect bites

insect bites

If you’ve been bitten by an insect, Vaseline can help to soothe the irritation. Simply apply a small amount of Vaseline to the affected area and it will help to reduce swelling and redness.

11. Prevents earwax build-up

earwax build-up

If you tend to get earwax build-up, you can use Vaseline to prevent it. Just apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your ear canal before bed and it will help to keep the wax from building up.

10. Removes lipstick stains

lipstick stains

If you have lipstick stains on your clothes, Vaseline can help remove them. Simply apply a small amount of Vaseline to the stain and then rub it with a cloth. The Vaseline will help to break down the lipstick and will allow you to remove it easily.

9. Keeps sand from sticking

Keeps sand from sticking

If you’re going to the beach, you can use Vaseline to keep the sand from sticking to your body. Simply apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your exposed skin and the sand will slide right off.

8. Cleans keyboard keys

Cleans keyboard keys

If your keyboard keys are looking dirty, you can use Vaseline to clean them. Simply apply a small amount of Vaseline to a cloth and wipe it over the keys. The Vaseline will help to break down the dirt and grime and will leave your keys looking shiny and new.

7. Removes crayons from walls

crayons from walls

If your kids have been coloring on the walls, Vaseline can help to remove the crayon marks. Simply apply a small amount of Vaseline to a cloth and wipe it over the marks. The Vaseline will help to break down the crayon and will allow you to remove it easily.

6. Keeps cuts from scabbing over

Keeps cuts from scabbing over

If you have a cut that’s starting to scab over, you can use Vaseline to prevent it. Just apply a thin layer of Vaseline to the cut and it will keep the area moist and will help the cut to heal properly.

5. Prevents hair from splitting

Prevents hair from splitting

If you have long hair, you may have noticed that it often splits at the ends. However, you can prevent this from happening by using Vaseline. Just apply a small amount of Vaseline to the tips of your hair and it will help to seal in the moisture and will prevent the hair from splitting.

4. Keeps cuticles moisturized

Keeps cuticles moisturized

If you have dry cuticles, you can use Vaseline to moisturize them. Simply apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your cuticles and it will help to keep them soft and healthy.

3. Keeps nail polish from chipping

Keeps nail polish from chipping

If you want your nail polish to last longer, you can use Vaseline to prevent it from chipping. Simply apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your nails before applying polish and it will help to seal in the color and prevent it from chipping.

2. Makes perfume last longer


If you want your perfume to last all day, you can use Vaseline to help it. Just apply a small amount of Vaseline to your pulse points before spraying on perfume and it will help the fragrance to last longer.

1. Gets rid of blackheads

Gets rid of blackheads

If you have blackheads, you can use Vaseline to remove them. Simply apply a small amount of Vaseline to your nose and rub it in with your fingers. The Vaseline will help to break down the blackheads and will allow them to be removed easily.