Food Safety During Power Outage: How Long Can Your Fridge Preserve? - kiwiwell

Food Safety During Power Outage: How Long Can Your Fridge Preserve?

How Long Can Food Remain Safe in Your Fridge Without Power?

As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This wisdom holds ever so true when it comes to the safety of your food during a power outage. According to food safety experts, “A refrigerator will keep food safe for up to four hours during a power outage, while a freezer can maintain food safety for 48 hours if full, or 24 hours if half-full.” This rapid timeline underscores the necessity of being prepared and acting swiftly during a power outage to prevent food spoilage and potential foodborne illness.
It might be tempting to think of a power outage as a brief inconvenience, and indeed, many outages are resolved within a few hours. However, in more extreme circumstances, such as those caused by severe weather or infrastructure failure, power can be out for days, even weeks. In those situations, the safety of your food can become a significant concern. We’ll delve into detail about what foods are most at risk, how to extend the safe period, and how to tell if food is still safe to consume after the power comes back on. We’ll lean on credible sources including the FDA, USDA, and WHO, among others, to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information.

So, how long can food remain safe in your fridge without power? It depends. Let’s start by taking a look at the two most common types of food storage: refrigerators and freezers.

How Long Can Food Remain Safe in Your Fridge Without Power?


Food stored in a refrigerator is typically safe for up to four hours after the power is out. This timeline applies to both opened and unopened food items, but it is reduced significantly if the door of the fridge is left open during the outage. Even when closed, a refrigerator can reach temperatures that are above 40°F in as little as two hours without power.
According to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service, perishable foods such as milk, eggs, meat, seafood, and leftovers should not be held at temperatures above 40°F for more than two hours. If the power is out for an extended period of time, these items will need to be discarded or cooked and eaten right away.
Foods that are safe to keep in the fridge include butter, condiments, hard cheeses, jam/jelly, and fruits/vegetables that are unpeeled.


Food stored in a freezer can typically remain safe for 48 hours if it remains at a temperature of 0°F or below. However, if the freezer is only half-full, this timeline is reduced to 24 hours.
The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service maintains a list of food items that are safe to freeze, including meat, poultry, fish, breads/doughs, and casseroles. With the exception of certain fruits and vegetables (such as lettuce or tomatoes), most types of food can be frozen for long-term storage.

Ensuring Food Safety During a Power Outage

How Long Can Food Remain Safe in Your Fridge Without Power?

The best way to ensure food safety during a power outage is to be prepared in advance. The USDA recommends stocking an emergency supply kit with basic non-perishable items such as canned goods, dry staples, and bottled water that can last for up to three days. This will provide your family with sustenance in the event of an unforeseen power outage.
For more extended outages, you should invest in an emergency generator to power your refrigerator or freezer. This will allow you to maintain the safe temperature of your food for days or even weeks until normal power is restored. Additionally, make sure that all of your refrigerators and freezers are working properly before a power outage. If you suspect any malfunctions, have them inspected immediately so that you can avoid any potential problems during an outage.
Moreover, if you plan on consuming perishable food items during a power outage, it is always best to err on the side of caution and discard them immediately. While the FDA recommends eating refrigerated food within two hours of a power outage, it’s important to remember that food safety is not something to gamble with. When in doubt, throw it out!

What If I Have Food Left Over After the Power Comes Back On?

If you have any food left over after a power outage, there are certain steps you can take to determine if it is still safe for consumption. First and foremost, smell the food. If it has an unpleasant odor or appears to be discolored, it should be discarded immediately.
Next, check each item individually to see if there is any visible spoilage. Signs of spoilage include mold growth, slime accumulation, and changes in texture or color. If you notice any of these signs, the item should not be eaten.
Finally, you should use a food thermometer to check the temperature of each item. If it is above 40°F, it’s best to discard it as a safety precaution.
These simple steps, you can ensure that your food remains safe and free from contamination during a power outage or other emergency. Remember: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!