Foods And Drinks That Wreck Your Teeth And Gums - Page 5 of 8 - kiwiwell

Foods And Drinks That Wreck Your Teeth And Gums


CITRUS for teeth

There are a number of fruits under the citrus family that is good for our health. These include lemons, oranges, limes, and others which are a great source of vitamins and are often added to our water to give an enriching flavor.

However, just like others on this list, citrus fruits affect the teeth with their combination of natural sugars and high acid content to cause decay, the cruelest of the citruses being grapefruit. Dried fruits are simply the worst with their chewy, gummy texture that adheres to your teeth and ends up being trapped there.

With the so many ways in which citrus is being introduced into our diets, citrus really tops the list of foods that are bad for the teeth. To avoid teeth decay, take care to brush your teeth after taking in these fruits.